To all the Friends of the Fort Taber~Fort Rodman Military Museum & Veterans Memorial. I would like to take this opportunity to talk about all the publicity that has been going on about the museum and our contract with the City of New Bedford. There has been some information that has been misstated about our finances. Some of the quotes that we are operating in a deficit are incorrect. Yes, we do have bills that total about 14,000 to 16,000 dollars a year. The false part is that we are not getting enough to pay them. Due to the generosity of our Fort Taber~Fort Rodman Historical Assoc. Members and the visitors’ donations at the door we do pay all our bills and we usually have a few thousand dollars left over that we put away in case we have any unexpected expenses and to upgrades the displays at the museum. Please do not feel that the Items that have been put on loan and donated are in danger. If you would like to help the best way is to join our Historical Assoc. online at our website at and click on “Become a Member”, or come by the museum and fill out a membership form. Our membership is only $10.00 a year, and you can donate any other amount that you would like. You can also make a donation to the museum on the webpage or at the museum. You can feel assured that the museum is operating in good standing and there is no need to worry. I hope that everyone continues to support the museum and thank all that do.
Bill Niedzwiedz
Fort Taber~Fort Rodman Historical Assoc Inc.
Fort Taber Park will begin on May 15th, 2024. Please come in and pick up a parking pass at the desk to park in the Museum Parking spots while visiting the Museum.
When you arrive, please get a parking pass from the Museum Front desk for your car
Our June, 2024 Veteran for our "Lights of Peace" Flag Dedication is, Albert Tarini Albert Tarini - June 2024 Veteran - Ft. Taber
A Message from our Association President Bill Niedzwiedz : I would like to welcome all to our new YouTube Channel I have uploaded a few short videos and the three videos of our 2024 Speaker Series there will be one more this month and then we will be starting back up after the summer season. I hope you enjoy the Videos and keep checking back as more are added. As soon as I get the Exercise Tiger videos which should be two different ones, I will add them
Bill Niedzwiedz
Attention To All Guests of Fort Rodman/Fort Taber Miliary Museum. These are our Current operating hours :
Sunday - 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Monday - CLOSED
Tuesday - CLOSED
Wednesday - 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Thursday - 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Friday - 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Saturday - 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Sunday - 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Ladies and Gentleman. Please Click the Link Below, to watch our Amazing piece on the PBS show " Treasures inside the Museum"
We Hope you enjoy watching it as much as we had Filming it.
Ladies and Gentleman. Fans of Fort Rodman Park, Citizens of New Bedford, and to all to come to our Website. We are happy to announce a Virtual Tour of Fort Rodman-Fort Taber Park. Now on our Website.
If you view our Virtual tour of the Fort you will find that we now have a above the Fort Drone view of the inside and a ground view on the inside of the stone fort. I hope you enjoy!!
I would like to Thank Peter Hanney of Hanney Property Solutions for all the great camera, drone and editing work for this tour of the Fort Rodman/Fort Taber Park.
Please take a look and ENJOY!!
Click Link Below to Start Your Tour
Please Find Below our Amazing part of the PBS Show "Treasures inside the Museum" This link will connect you to our Page on Facebook. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did.
1800 - New Bedford became the world’s foremost whaling port by the middle of the nineteenth-century. The port’s upriver location provided natural protection from coastal gales, but not the storms of national and international controversy. A British raid during the American Revolution demonstrated the vulnerability of the port in 1778 when seventy vessels and twenty-six storehouses were left in ruin. The need for coastal defense was obvious again during the War of 1812... see timeline
The Fort Taber Fort Rodman military Museum opened in August 2004. Our collection consisted of twenty photographs, two shelf units and a display case. Since then it has grown in every way with new exhibited items, more volunteers, physical size with the construction of a new addition, and most importantly visitors. Our average annual visitor rate is over 8,500 people, resulting in the museum being hailed as the “biggest little military museum in the... read more
New Speaker February 16th 2025
Here is this month’s speaker If you could get this out it would be great WHEN: TIME: SUNDAY FEBRUARY 16, 2025 2:00 P.M. WHERE: Fort Taber~Fort Rodman Military Museum & Veterans Memorial 1000C s. Rodney French Blvd, New Bedford Who is speaking? Don Le Blanc No charge, no fee, open to the public, ample…
Read MoreLights of Peace Flag to Honor PFC Peter W. Roy KIA in Vietnam at age 18
During the month of February, the 65th Lights for Peace flag to fly at the Fort Taber – Fort Rodman Military Museum honors the memory of U.S. Marine PFC Peter W. Roy, who was KIA on Dec. 5, 1967, by friendly fire, one month after arriving in Vietnam. Peter Roy was born in New…
Read MoreSpeaker Joe Yukna & Sgt Stubby to appear January 12, 2025
JANUARY 12, 2025 2:00 P.M. WHERE: Fort Taber~Fort Rodman Military Museum & Veterans Memorial 1000C s. Rodney French Blvd, New Bedford Who is speaking? Joe Yukna President, Cape Cod Military Museum We begin the 2025 Winter History Lecture Series with Joe Yukna, President of the Cape Cod Military Museum Joe has lectured several times at…
Read MoreOur January 2025 “Lights of Peace” Honoree is Felix S. Witkowicz
During the month of January, the 64th Lights for Peace flag to fly at the Fort Taber – Fort Rodman Military Museum honors the memory of Technician 5 Felix S. Witkowicz, who served in the United States Army, participating in both D-Day and the Battle of the…
Read MoreHoliday and Storm Hours for 2024/2025 Winter Season
Holiday Closings for the Fort Taber Fort Rodman Military Museum and Veterans Memorial. Thanksgiving Day November 28, 2024 Closed Christmas Day December 25, 2024 Closed New Years Day January 1, 2025 Closed Also, during this Winter Season if the New Bedford Schools are Closed due to Bad Weather conditions the Museum will also be closed.
Read MoreNovember 2024 “Lights of Peace” Flag to honor – Corporal Stephen J. Rogers
During the month of November, the 62nd Lights for Peace flag to fly at the Fort Taber – Fort Rodman Military Museum honors the memory of United States Army veteran Stephen Joseph Rogers from New Bedford, MA. Steve was born on July 16, 1932, in New Bedford, to Joseph Rogers and Mary (Oliveira)…
Read MoreKIDS!!! Come to the Museum for some Painting Fun.
Coming to The Museum “Paint a Tank” Yes kids you can have your very own M1 Abrams Tank “Miniature ” You can Paint it as you like and then take it home to display. The Museum will supply Water Based washable Non-Toxic paint, brushes, aprons and the M1 Abrams Miniature Tank. Also, we will supply…
Read MoreVeterans Day 2024 at the Fort Taber ~ Fort Rodman Military Museum
As always, The Fort Taber~Fort Rodman Military Museum and Veteran’s Memorial will be open on Veteran’s/Armistice Day November 11, 2024, the doors will open at 10:00AM and close at 4:00PM. The ringing of the Bell’s for Peace will be at 11:00AM. There will be refreshments available. Please think about coming down and checking out the…
Read MoreVeterans / Armistice Day 2024
Come and join us at the Fort Rodman ~ Fort Taber Military Museum on Monday November 11, 2024 As we honor those who served, are serving, and those who paid the ultimate sacrifice, on Veterans Day and Armistice Day 2024 (Possible events pending.) We will be open from 10 am to 4 pm, it is,…
Read MoreOur November 2024 Speaker : Col. Kevin J. Weddle (Retired) Ph.d
Colonel Weddle is a professor of Military Theory and Strategy at the U.S Army War College. He is a Graduate of the U.S. Military Acadamy at West Point. He Served as a Combat Engineer for 29 years. He is a Veteran of Operation Desert Sheild, Desert Storm, & Operation enduring Freedom. He Will be speaking…
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