Fort Rodman – Fort Taber’s 20th Anniversary
Come join us, and help us Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Fort Taber ~ Fort Rodman Military Museum, and Veterans Memorial.
For 20 Years, we have collected military artifacts, and saluted the veterans who served our Country.
Since 2004, we have doubled the floorspace, welcomed over 108,000 visitors. As well as received artifacts from 1900 donors.
We have planned a wonderful event : Military Reenactors, refreshments, a salute to the American Flag, and a ribbon cutting ceremony. All are welcome to attend.
Saturday, September 21st 2024. The Museum will open from 10 a.m. to 4 pm. The Events will begin at 12 noon. For the 20th Anniversary Celebration
Place : The Fort Taber ~ Fort Rodman Military Museum @ 1000C South Rodney French Blvd Fort Taber Park.
New Bedford, MA 02740